Thursday, January 13, 2011

This month's stupid update people hate

Or: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET DEEP IN THE GAME (The life and crimes of James McCullen XXIV)

Some day our activity book will be done.


  1. Can't let the dope game play you, Memphis Street Rule #27

  2. Jack(assorted numbers) did he's and obviously doing great! I mean, hell, the fucker ain't posting on toy forums anymore, right? That sounds like progress to me.

  3. Also, JTurk, please post a link to the best goddamn toy message board on this motherfuckin planet so I can join back up and tell everyone how you ruined my plans of going incognito and totally exposing/fucking with that turd who calls hisself "Zephron", or some other such lame-shit handle. Thank you.

  4. Monkie baby, Jack138 is dead. Sorry I ruined your Hisstank fun, but when a guy with a Jack London screen name just happens to be from Utah it's obviously you

  5. utah is america's canada. therefore that's where this gif takes place. also i am going there on saturday. to america's canada, not to canada's america.

  6. that is more coke than the last time i saw somebody doing coke off a barrel of diesel.
